[ All ] General Full Form List

General Full Form List: In this article, I am sharing the General Full-Form list. And I hope this article will be helpful to you. If you are interested then you can check and read.

AAI Full FormAirport Authority of India
ALU Full FormArithmetic Logic Unit
AAD Full FormArmy Air Defence
AMD Full FormAdvanced Micro Device
ASP Full FormAs Soon As Possible
ADR Full FormAmerican Depository Receipt
ATM Full FormAutomatic Teller Machine
AI Full FormArtificial Intelligence
AC Full FormAlternating Current
AM Full FormAnte Meridiem
AT Full FormAdvanced Technology
ATX Full FormAdvanced Technology Extended
ATS Full FormAnti-Terrorism Squad
BIOS Full FormBasic Input Output System
BNC Full FormBarrel Nut Connector
BSNL Full FormBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
BA Full FormBachelor of Arts
BCA Full FormBachelor of Computer Application
BCG Full FormBacillus Calmette Guerin
B.ED Full FormBachelor of Education
B.Com Full FormBachelor of Commerce
BE Full FormBachelor of Engineering
BBC Full FormBritish Broadcasting Corporation
Computer Full FormCommonly Operated machine Particurly Used Technical Education Research
CD Full FormCompact Disk
CPU Full FormCentral Processing Unit
CU Full FormControl Unit
CRT Full FormCathode – Ray Tube
CNR Full FormCommunication Network Riser
CA Full FormCharted Accountant
CAT Full FormCommon Admission Test
CCC Full FormCourse of Computer Concept
CD Full FormCompact Disk
CEO Full FormChief Executive Officer
CFL Full FormCompact Fluorescent Lamp
CMO Full FormChief Medical officer
CNG Full FormCompressed Natural Gas
CIP Full FormCarriage and Insurance Paid
CDM Full formCertificate in Disaster Management
DC Full FormDirect Current
DJ Full FormDisc Jockey
DIG Full FormDeputy Inspector General
DLF Full FormDelhi Land and Finance
DBW Full FormDesirable Body Weight
DIY Full FormDo it Yourself
DNB Full FormDiplomate of National Board
DSLR Full FormDigital Single-lens reflex
DNS Full FormDomain Name System
DSL Full FormDigital Subscriber Line
DST Full FormDepartment of Science and Technology
DP Full FormDisplay Picture
FILA Full formFinally, I lost Adidas
EEE Full FormElectrical and Electronic Engineering
GB Full FormGigabyte
GIF Full FormGraphics Interchange Format
ITI Full FormIndustrial Training Institute
MCQ Full FormMultiple Choice Question
MCP Full FormMicrosoft Certified Professional
MB Full FormMetabyte
NSO Full FormNational Science Olympiad
OEN Full FormOld English Newsletter
PB Full FormPetabyte
PM Full FormPost Meridiem
PGW Full FormPrimary Gateway
TB Full FormTeraByte
UNIX Full FormUniplexed Information and Computing service
IMAO Full FormIn my Arrogant Opinion
YPU Full FormYoung Political Union
RSVP Full FormRespondz s’il Vous Plait
ROFL Full FormRolling on Floor Laughing
S / O Full FormSon of
SDM Full FormSub Divisional Magistrate
PWD Full FormPublic Work Department